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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) 8 Open Committee Seats

IHCC News and Events CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) 8 Open Committee Seats In accordance with the ratified IHCC Membership Agreement (link) “The SSC has 15 voting members. These comprise (of) Cohort Members elected by the IHCC membership to represent the diversity of the membership of IHCC”. In order to comply with … Read more

How the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative is Using Global Cohorts to Tackle Alzheimer’s

IHCC News and Events How the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative is Using Global Cohorts to Tackle Alzheimer’s Today, Alzheimer’s research is held back by a simple fact: we don’t fully understand the heterogeneity of the disease. Ninety percent of genomic research has studied white populations of European legacy, even though these populations only make up about … Read more