in this edition

  • Register Now: G2MC Semi-Annual Virtual Working Group and Flagship Project Breakout Sessions
  • Update: 2021 International Conference
  • Genomic Medicine News and Resources
  • G2MC Working Group and Flagship Project Updates

G2MC Quarterly Newsletter

January 2021

G2MC members are invited and encouraged to actively participate in G2MC projects and initiatives by getting involved in G2MC Working Groups and Flagship Projects. Use the G2MC Get Involved form to indicate your interest in participation or to join our community if you’re not a G2MC member. 

What's Happening in G2MC

Register Now! 2021 Semi-Annual Virtual Working Group and Flagship Project Breakout Sessions

G2MC members are invited to join us throughout the weeks of January 19-29, 2021, and on February 2, 2021, for the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC) Semi-Annual Virtual Working Group and Flagship Project Breakout sessions. During this event, G2MC Working Groups and Flagship Project Groups will hold individual breakout sessions to discuss current projects and initiatives and future outputs through collaborative and interactive sessions. Each group will meet on separate days during the weeks of January 19-29 for two-hour sessions. On February 2, 2021, all groups will convene for a report-out session along with a keynote presentation.

This event is free and open to all G2MC members. Participants may attend any or all sessions, but please note registration for each session is required so that meeting links may be shared with the appropriate individuals. 

Not a member of G2MC but interesting in being a part of the community? Join us now!

Update: 2021 International Genomic Medicine Conference Going Virtual

The 2021 G2MC International Conference that was previously scheduled for September 29 – October 1 in Santiago, Chile will be moved to a full virtual conference due to ongoing safety and travel concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The planning committee is enthusiastic about the potential engagement and reach of the virtual meeting and is investigating online format options to allow for a highly interactive meeting that incorporates all aspects of the previously scheduled in-person/hybrid meeting. Updates will continue to be communicated and posted to the event page. 

Call for Funding Opportunities

The G2MC Development Committee is requesting for G2MC members to share potential funding opportunities, to be posted on the website and highlighted in our newsletters, with the goal of allowing other members the opportunity to consider collaborative proposals to answer them. Please submit ideas using the G2MC Contact form.

Genomic Medicine News & Resources

New Free Genomic Medicine Educational Resources for Healthcare Professionals and Trainees

The Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) Training Residents in Genomics (TRIG) and Undergraduate Training in Genomics (UTRIG) Working Groups have developed several genomic medicine educational resources geared towards medical students, healthcare professionals and trainees interested in learning more about genomic medicine. Learn more and register for these free resources below.

NHGRI Creates Listing of Notable Accomplishments in Genomic Medicine

With genomic medicine advancing at a rapid pace, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Genomic Medicine Working Group (GMWG) is compiling a list of interesting advances and helpful educational resources in genomic medicine for publicization. Visit the GMWG website to learn more or submit a notable accomplishment for consideration.

Program Offers Genetic Testing for Veterans to Inform Decisions About Medications

As implementation of Genomic Medicine into clinical care continues to grow, new programs are arising offering these benefits to individualized groups. One of these programs, called PHASER (Pharmacogenomic Action for cancer SuRvivorship), was recently developed through a partnership with Sanford Health and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to offer free genetic testing to VA patients to help doctors identify the most appropriate medications for some common health concerns. 

Latest from the G2MC Working Groups, Flagship Projects, and Subcommittees

These groups will be holding individual sessions during the 2021 Semi-Annual Virtual Working Group and Flagship Project Breakout Sessions scheduled to take place in late January and early February 2021. An overview of each group’s current activities is provided below. View the event page for additional information and to register for breakout sessions. 

Young Investigator Subcommittee

In August 2020, the Young Investigator Subcommittee called for Young Investigators from across the globe in the field of genomic medicine who were interested in becoming involved with G2MC through guided leadership and coordinated activities and efforts. The subcommittee convened in November 2020 to review submissions of interested participants and identified 29 dedicated Young Investigators with specific areas of interest and expertise in genomic medicine. The subcommittee co-chairs are currently working with G2MC Working Group and Flagship Project co-chairs to match the Young Investigators with G2MC projects and initiatives in which they may best contribute their knowledge and skills.

Additionally, the subcommittee is in the process of planning for the Young Investigators component of the 2021 International Conference, taking into account the previous postponement of this event due to the 2020 International Conference shifting to a full virtual meeting. Updates on this and other Young Investigator activities will be discussed during the January 19 Young Investigator Committee Breakout Session.  

Evidence Working Group

The Evidence Working Group has been working on an evidence review of the clinical utility of genomic medicine, an effort that was kick-started during the May 2020 G2MC International Conference Virtual Breakout Sessions. The group has been tailoring search terms and working with experts on best practices to ensure all relevant evidence is captured. Results and updates from the review process will be shared during the January 27 Evidence Working Group Breakout Session.

The next steps for the group are to engage with technology partners to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that will allow for better refined searches and automatic updates in the areas deemed significant from the systematic review. The group also plans to engage a Young Investigator on this project as well as several other areas specific to the group’s needs in the coming months.

Education Working Group

The Education Working Group is actively seeking and discussing project ideas from both within the WG and related to other WGs and Flagship Projects.  It is hoped that members will take leadership roles on projects with integration of the WG Young Investigators.  The group is also continuing the planning of the Genomic Medicine Immersion Course scheduled to take place as part of the 2021 G2MC International Conference in Santiago, Chile and is reviewing options for formatting and topics to include in the course.  These items will be discussed in further detail during the January 25 Education Working Group Breakout Session. 

Additionally, writing of the manuscript resulting from the Education Needs Assessment Survey is in process with plans to be completed and submitted for publication in the next few months. 

Policy Working Group

The Policy Working Group is exploring potential collaborations and initiatives for growing the online catalogue of global genomic medicine initiatives, a resource established in partnership with the Australian Genomics Health Alliance. The Genomics Policy Website that houses the catalogue and was recently managed by the Australian group, is now under G2MC ownership and the group will be seeking a G2MC member or Young Investigator interested in managing and updating this site moving forward. The group is also working towards the development of a roadmap for implementation of genomic medicine which will outline policy issues for consideration, and is also continuing to identify opportunities for supporting the G2MC Flagship Projects.

Additionally, in September 2020 an article authored by several G2MC members titled “Global approaches to genomic medicine implementation” was published in Translational Medicine that focuses on similarities in policy considerations of G2MC and other genomic medicine groups worldwide.

The Policy Working Group is currently looking for a volunteer interested in taking on a leadership role within the group to help move the group’s mission and initiatives forward. They are also looking for Young Investigators interested in being involved with the group’s projects. Members may use the G2MC Get Involved form to indicate interest.

Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project

The Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project has been exploring opportunities with the Evidence Working Group on ways to demonstrate existing evidence in the field of pharmacogenomics.  Additionally, the project will focus efforts on the need for generating harmonized guidelines for pharmacogenomics in clinical use – an area that is already under exploration but can potentially be advanced further through the efforts of the flagship project group. These initiatives will be discussed further during the January 21 Pharmacogenomics Flagship Project Breakout Session.  

Rare Undiagnosed Diseases Flagship Project

The Rare Undiagnosed Diseases Flagship Project is working towards implementing evidence-based exome sequencing for the diagnosis of rare uncharacterized and undiagnosed diseases in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Following the May 2020 G2MC International Meeting the group put out a call for LMIC sites interested in participating in the project, resulting in 16 sites from across 4 continents expressing interest. Collaborative measures are being put into place for information sharing and the establishment of guidelines to get the sites appropriately set up. The group is in the process of securing additional financial and in-kind support, and plans to also seek collaborative opportunities with G2MC Working Groups and pharmaceutical groups outside of G2MC for participation. An overview of current activities and steps moving forward will be discussed during the January 26 Rare Disease Flagship Project Breakout Session. Learn more about the Rare Undiagnosed Disease Flagship Project.  

Family Health History Flagship Project

The Family Health History Flagship Project has published a webpage to provide continuous updates and engage the community in efforts being carried out by the group. In order to advance the project’s mission, the group is planning to use the website and other outreach materials to engage groups outside of G2MC in partnerships and projects. Additionally, three Young Investigators with a focused interest in genealogy and family health history have been identified to assist with and lead activities within the group. As part of the January 29 Family Health History Flagship Project Breakout Session, these Young Investigators will participate by discussing their needs around family health history in their countries.

Visit G2MC’s Functional Groups webpage for more information about the mission and activities of these groups and to learn how you can get involved.

Recent Publications

The International Hundred K+ Cohort Consortium: integrating large-scale cohorts to address global scientific challenges

Read how leaders of large-scale cohorts, with support from the National Institutes of Health and the Wellcome Trust, and in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) and the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC), have come together to form the International Hundred Thousand Plus Cohort Consortium (IHCC) in this article published in the Lancet and authored by leaders of the G2MC organization.

Global approaches to genomic medicine implementation

This article, recently published in Science Translational Medicine, highlights the work being done by G2MC as well as other large-scale genomic medicine implementation initiatives worldwide. The article specifically focuses on similarities in policy considerations and is authored by G2MC member Andrea Belcher, G2MC Co-Chair and President Geoffrey Ginsburg, and G2MC member Robyn Ward. 

Join Our Community

Interested in becoming a member of G2MC? Our community is comprised of health professionals, scientists, and policy makers in over 35 countries. We collaborate to demonstrate the value and the effective use of genomics in medicine. Join us to share and learn best practices.