Teji Rakhra-Burris and Prof. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake to Represent GGMC on the HUGO Forum

We are excited to share that the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (GGMC) will be represented on the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) Forum, where members of the HUGO executive board, committee chairs, and liaisons from other organizations can meet, exchange information and discuss new collaborative initiatives in the genomics arena.

HUGO is an international organization of scientists involved in various aspects of human genetics. Conceived in 1988, HUGO has grown to over 2,000 members from 92 countries. HUGO incorporates the efforts of the Human Variome Project (HVP) and the Human Genome Variome Society and is focused on bringing the benefits of genomics to all parts of the world.

Commensurate with GGMC, HUGO aims to eliminate duplication of efforts of other organizations, encouraging and supporting the efforts of all international organizations in the human genetics space. Toward that end, the HUGO Forum was organized. 

We are pleased to have Teji Rakhra-Burris, GGMC President & CEO, and Prof. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake, GGMC Board of Directors Chair, representing GGMC on the Forum. Prof. Juergen Reichardt, Steering Committee member of the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC) currently serves as the chair of the HUGO Forum.

GGMC will join representatives from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH), International Federation of Societies of Human Genetics (IFSHG), UNESCO, and WHO.

The Forum meets bimonthly throughout the year and is central to HUGO’s organizational structure. While the Forum aims to avoid redundancy in the genomics field, it also provides a platform for creating synergy of shared ideas and timely information.


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