GGMC CEO Grant Wood to Present with GA4GH's September Connect Series

GGMC CEO and GA4GH Pedigree subgroup leader Grant Wood will present “Collaborative development of a FHIR-based family health history standard: leveraging KIN Ontology and Phenopackets with HL7, G2MC, and the US CDC/NCI” as part of GA4GH’s upcoming Connect Sessions.
This presentation will delve into the launch of a new collaborative project to create a FHIR-based standard for Family Health History (FHH). This initiative involves key organizations like HL7, G2MC, the US CDC, and the National Cancer Institute. Our focus will be on using the KIN ontology and Phenopackets to improve data sharing.
Participation is encouraged from all interested parties. By the end of the session, GA4GH hopes to produce a roadmap and a plan for an open-source FHH tool that can serve as a reference for future projects.
Part of GA4GH’s larger Plenary, you can check out further details here.