CALL FOR NOMINATIONS – Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) 8 Open Committee Seats

In accordance with the ratified IHCC Membership Agreement (link) “The SSC has 15 voting members. These comprise (of) Cohort Members elected by the IHCC membership to represent the diversity of the membership of IHCC”. In order to comply with this requirement, the current 7 member SSC require the nomination and election of 8 additional members to fill out the required committee membership.
Nominations will be accepted through April 16, 2021. Nominees must be cohort members of the IHCC. SSC members serve 3-year terms and may serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.
The functions and responsibilities of the Scientific Steering Committee comprise:
- Attend bi-monthly SSC meetings (typically 1 hour each, 6 per year)
- Attend the annual SSC planning meeting (held in Q4)
- Vote on Executive Membership of the EIHCC Executive Committee (EC)
- Provide guidance to the EC on the long-term strategic direction of IHCC
- Approve program goals set out by the EC
- Commission and approve papers explaining IHCC policy and views
- Review and provide formal acceptance of IHCC-wide policies, protocols, and procedures including the IHCC Membership Agreement
- Approve new IHCC members (Cohort Members, Affiliate Members and Industry Members) by majority vote.
- Vote on Workgroup chairs (current workgroup chairs excused from voting)
This is an opportunity to broaden the diversity of the SSC and expand the influence of IHCC.
To submit nominations (including Self-nominations) or for further information please contact Nominations will be accepted through April 16, 2021.