IHCC and Wellcome Trust Release COVID-19 Questionnaire

IHCC has partnered with Wellcome Trust to develop a COVID-19 Questionnaire that will allow countries to assess the impact of the pandemic on individuals and households. While researchers across the world are rushing to develop a vaccine and governments are battling to slow the spread of the disease, we have yet to understand the severity of the short and long term physical, mental, behavioral, economic, societal, and environmental impacts of COVID-19. This issue is likely to be of greater concern in lower to middle income countries where resources for treating and understanding the spread and impact of the disease are limited.
By establishing a standardized set of questions, IHCC and Wellcome Trust hope the questionnaire will serve as a resource that can be used by cohorts and organizations across the world, and particularly in low and middle income countries, to begin to provide insights into the impacts the pandemic is having on individuals and communities. By developing a standardized approach, we can better facilitate data-sharing, minimize the need for data harmonization, and increase collaboration across borders.